Controlling Nerves During the Pandemic

Regardless of the number of cases, the pandemic induced seclusion has become a psychological issue for many. Besides, there is a fear of losing jobs and loved ones to make things worse. While the coronavirus has not even peaked yet, nobody can decide till when the lockdown will stay. Ministry of Human Rights issued guidelines on Friday for the public to care for others' mental health. It includes abstaining from associating any race or religious group with the virus, refraining from creating panic and stigmatizing those who got infected. However, there should also be some awareness campaign telling people how to cope mentally and help their families in this situation. Some of the ways could be reducing exposure to coronavirus news and reliance on social networking tools to stay connected. The protection of women and children confined in violent households must be also ensured. Further, putting one skills for social welfare might be the best cure for mental health.

Summarized from 473 words to 159

Detailed Post can be found at Mental health & Covid-19


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