21 Writing Tips for New Writers

There is FIRST day of everything. No matter you are learning to drive, starting a blog or planning to write a book. You have to begin somewhere. Why not learn from those who had started earlier? It will give you a headstart and prevent you from committing mistakes. 

1) Practice as Often as you Can (Ian Martinez Cassmeyer)

To be good at something, you have to start doing it. Because by doing you know your weaknesses and then you can work on them. Take any famous sportsman or singer as an example, they could not reach where they are without practice. So do practice as much as possible. 

2) Just Start (Cady Hammer)

The first step is always difficult. You doubt yourself. Feel unsure if you can complete what you started or not. Don't think too much. Just sit and start writing. You will start feeling good as you continue to write. 

3) Don't Compare Yourself to Others (Shirley McCann)

We all are unique. If you don't agree then look at your fingerprints. You are unique among billions of people on the planet. So try not to copy others or gauge yourself by others' progress. Just believe in yourself. 

4) Be Persistent and Never Give Up (Matt Kratz)

Sometimes you are unable to finish the draft or you don't get the desired results. But don't give up. Just keep trying and NEVER give up. Hard work never goes in vain; you will see the results eventually. 

5) Get Opinions and Enjoy Learning (J.T. Tenera)

Don't take writing as some kind of burden. Instead, do relax, take suggestions from others and enjoy the whole learning and writing process. Otherwise, you will get bored and will quit soon. 

6) Be Patient and Confident (David Partelow)

Give some time to writing and find your unique style. Have a firm belief in yourself without any doubts and never give up. 

7) Read a Lot and Accept Rejections (William Hatfield)

You can't be a good writer unless you read a lot. Learn from others' writing. Learn how they make a sentence and convey their message etc. Plus don't get discouraged by rejections or criticism. Just learn from them. To substantiate this point, Stephen King took seven years to get published for the first time. 

8) Don't Pretend to be Smart (Ryan L Canning)

You don't need to showoff or sound like you have the highest IQ. Instead, be natural and make readers feel as you are one of them. 

9) Get It Done (Allen Huntsman)

Don't get entangled or procrastinate. Just finish your first draft as soon as possible. Only then worry about other things. 

10) Don't Expect Results Overnight (J.W. Golan)

If you are starting out as a writer, then just write. It is like singing, painting or drawing, you never get it done perfectly the first time. Just keep doing it; you will get better eventually.

11) Love Writing (Tat Kulisch)

Don't aim for perfection. Because none of us are perfect. There is always someone better. So instead, just get in love with writing, your story and give your best shot.

12) Adopt Any Routine (Dave Williams)

Be it early in the morning or late at night, just adopt any writing routine that suits you. Plus don't expect your first draft to be perfect. 

13) Write What You Love Writing About (Verna Cyril)

Don't write for money or for selling something. Instead, write about what you love and find yourself interested in. 

14) Believe in Yourself (Emma Renault)

Don't get intimidated by your favorite writers. They are also human just with more writing experience. You can achieve the same with your hard work. 

15) Follow a Plan (Suri Patru Viswam)

Prepare well, make a plan and execute it thoroughly. Plus be patient and love this whole writing process. 

16) Enjoy Editing (R-M Calzada)

Although editing is a vital part of the writing process, some people find it boring. A stage where you refine your writing and turn it into gold. The more you love it, the easier your and your readers' life will be.

17) Remove all Distractions (Jay Darkmoore)

Concentration is important when you are writing. So get rid of anything that can distract you. Such as mobile notifications, television or kids playing in the room, etc. 

18) Abandon the Boring Project (Quinn Buckland)

If you are no longer interested in a project, you better quit it. Because your readers will find out eventually anyway. Write about what seems interesting to you. Don't waste time on a story that you find boring yourself. 

19) Do Experiments (Christa Banister)

Read a lot and try different styles of writing. Also, try working with any mentor or a professional writer if possible.  

20) Be Consistent (M Anthony Harris)

Consistency is the key. Write consistently and your writing will improve with time. Even a few words daily will do the job. Just be consistent.

21) Make Use of Criticism (Dor Atkinson)

Get in habit of accepting constructive criticism. It will help you grow and write a better story. 

The above tips are taken from a twitter thread started by Sonia Rose Writes. The wording is not exact. I just read the comments and wrote what I understood from them. You can find that thread at What tips would you give to young writers?

Thanks to Sonia Rose for starting that thread and the people who shared their tips.

All credit goes to them. 

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  1. These are all great comments. It amazes me how many wanna-be writers tell me they don't like to read. Unbelievable.


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